Support Group Meetings
Caregiver Support Group is another way that Elder Care promotes health, wellness, and independence for seniors in our community by providing caregivers accurate and up-to-date information in a supportive setting. It also features informative programs with guest speakers, videos, and discussions that focus on practical help for caregiving.
Are you a Caregiver?
Helping a loved one can be bewildering and daunting. You may feel concerned or alone and wonder what the future will bring during this difficult time. You may be an adult child caring for a parent or a spouse caring for your husband/wife and need support. Family members caring for a loved one and professional caregivers alike need a resource to discuss issues and ask questions in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Sharing your experiences with others is a therapeutic way to overcome challenges. You are not alone, Elder Care can help.
Our Meetings – Everyone is Welcome!
Our Caregiver Support Group meets:
First Tuesday of each month
10:00 am to 11:00 am
Elder Care
1223 Swan Drive
How can I attend the meetings if I need to provide care for my loved one?
During the Caregiver Support Group meetings, we can pre-arrange for your loved one to participate in DayBreak, our Adult Day Health program. Advanced scheduling in DayBreak is required so please call (918) 336-8500 to make an appointment.