Cool Room Project

The Cool Room Project is designed to offer relief to seniors in our community who do not have air conditioning in their homes during the hottest months of the year. Air conditioners are available (to those who qualify) at the beginning of summer and must be returned to Elder Care at the end of summer.

To qualify, seniors must have one room in their house with a door that can be shut, allowing for that room to be “The Cool Room.” The room must have a window near a 110-volt capacity outlet. It is not the intent of the project to cool an entire house but to provide a safe “Cool Room” during the deadly heat of summer days. Qualified individuals must be senior citizens, age 60 or older. If you or someone you know is qualified to benefit from this project, please call us at (918) 336-8500.

Donations may be made specifically to the Cool Room Project to help seniors have one cool room in their homes during the hot summer months. To make a donation please contact us at 918-336-8500 or